Agency Bytes Podcast

Agency Bytes is a video podcast series that packs a ton of important agency information on one topic, from one expert into a 25-minute brief. Why 25 minutes? Because who has the attention span for much more these days, and you can squeeze in a listen between meetings with time for a bathroom break or coffee refill before your next meeting.

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Steve Guberman Steve Guberman

Ep 073 – Rachel Gertz, Louder Than Ten – Empowerment in Project Management

In Episode 073, I sat down with the brilliant Rachel Gertz, Co-founder of Louder Than Ten, to uncover the real power behind project management. We didn’t just talk about deadlines and deliverables—we dove into how effective project management can transform your agency from the inside out. Rachel shared game-changing insights on leadership, empowering your team, and rethinking the way digital agencies operate. From hiring the right talent to using the right tools for growth, this conversation is packed with strategies you can start using today to take your agency to the next level. Tune in now!

Key Takeaways

• Project management is a powerful conduit for empowering individuals and driving project success.

• Leadership challenges within digital agencies often stem from a lack of delegation and a scarcity mindset.

• The integration of project management tools and the development of financial literacy are crucial for effective project management.

• The role of project managers extends beyond traditional project delivery, encompassing strategic thinking, revenue growth, and team empowerment.

• Personal growth tools, such as journal trackers, can provide valuable insights and self-awareness for professional development.

Rachel Gertz is a Co-founder and Direc­tor of Deliv­ery and Growth at Loud­er Than Ten. She helps small to medi­um sized dig­i­tal agen­cies trans­form their dig­i­tal PM oper­a­tions through hands-on train­ing and con­sult­ing. Her mis­sion at Loud­er Than Ten is to pro­pel tech work­ers through an uncer­tain future by train­ing dig­i­tal com­pa­nies how to give pow­er to the peo­ple lead­ing their projects.

Contact Rachel:

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