Ep 016 – Ken Jacobs, Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching

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Featuring: Ken Jacobs, Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching

In this episode, Ken and I got to talk about the difference between being an owner and a true leader, how to lead and inspire in times of uncertainty, how transparent leads can or should be, and the differences between consulting, training, and coaching. We also tried really hard to remember the name of the book Ken was reading at the time of the recording. The book is "Give and Take. Why Helping Others Drives Our Success." by Adam Grant.   

Ken Jacobs is the principal of Jacobs Consulting & Executive Coaching, which helps empower PR and communications leaders and executives to become more effective leaders. It does so via executive coaching.

His company also helps agencies grow business, manage for profitability, improve client service, and enhance team performance, communications and leadership skills, via training and consulting.

Prior to launching his companies, Jacobs spent 25 years in management and leadership positions with a number of PR agencies, including Ogilvy & Mather PR, Marina Maher (pronounced “Mar” like “Star!”) communications, Maloney & Fox, and Lippe Taylor.

Jacobs discusses leadership with some of the PR and communications industry’s most respected leaders via “Taking the Lead,” his quarterly leadership column in PRSA’s Strategies & Tactics, and the similarly named video podcast on his website and YouTube channel.

He's a regular presenter at PRSA Counselors Academy and various PRSA chapters. He loves living “Down The Shore” in Asbury Park, New Jersey. No Bruce sightings yet.

Connect with Ken via email, LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube.


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